Equine and Companion Animal Reiki

What We Do

Experience the transformative power of Animal Reiki for your horse or beloved companion pet. As a qualified practitioner in Japanese Usui Reiki, I have dedicated the past four years to assisting animals in their journey towards healing, grounding, and anxiety release through the practice of Reiki.

Animal Reiki is a unique approach where the energy flow is guided by the animal itself, granting them a sense of empowerment and allowing for profound healing experiences. This gentle and non-invasive technique has proven to be highly effective in both pre and post-operative care, accelerating recovery times and promoting overall well-being.

In addition, Animal Reiki has shown remarkable benefits when animals face transitions such as moving to new places or being separated from their owners during holidays. It provides them with a sense of comfort and supports their emotional well-being during challenging times.

By practicing Animal Reiki, I can assist your horse or companion pet in achieving a state of balance and harmony. Through this intuitive practice, I can identify and address areas of concern in their bodies, helping them maintain optimal health and a general sense of well-being.

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